Sharing the products you love doesn’t have to feel complicated.
Young Living's incredible products are the foundation of the way you help people. But YOU are the magic. We know your time is valuable, so let's make it count!
The Life Steps App is here to guide you through the practical steps of building relationships, educating, and supporting your customers. It's everything you need to launch and grow a sustainable, successful business, all in one place.
What if you only needed ONE app to streamline your business?
Life Steps is overflowing with
features to revolutionize
your business
Search and easily scroll through thousands of gorgeous photos, graphics, and printables perfect for sharing product education and business resources with others.
Search and easily scroll through thousands of gorgeous photos, graphics, and printables perfect for sharing product education and business resources with others.
Life Steps is overflowing with features to revolutionize your business
Spotlights & Resources
Instant info at your fingertips, ready for replying to questions, sending more details, and helping others start their health journey.
Instant info at your fingertips, ready for replying to questions, sending more details, and helping others start their health journey.
Each resource, video, or guide in the app easily becomes a personalized, shareable landing page for you to send to others with the click of a button. Each landing page includes a link for others to begin shopping with you!
Each resource, video, or guide in the app easily becomes a personalized, shareable landing page for you to send to others with the click of a button. Each landing page includes a link for others to begin shopping with you!
Landing Pages
Communication Bundles
Done-for-you campaigns with thoughtfully crafted text and beautiful graphics for sending out classes, engaging product tips, newsletters, and more. Import campaigns directly to Project Broadcast, or use them however you like!
Done-for-you campaigns with thoughtfully crafted text and beautiful graphics for sending out classes, engaging product tips, newsletters, and more. Import campaigns directly to Project Broadcast, or use them however you like!
Need more information or classes to share with prospects or customers? You don't have to be the expert! Utilize our video library of experienced teachers covering a variety of health topics and product education.
Encourage your customers to take a quick wellness assessment in the free version of the app so you can plan their next steps together.
All of the features in the mobile app are also available on the web version. Look up contacts, plan and schedule content for emails, groups, messages and more—right from your computer!
A ready to use personal website just for you, that can be easily shared with prospects and makes learning and ordering from you a breeze!
Find out which of your shared links are being viewed the most. Hint: this is how you know where you should be following up!
"I printed thieves cleaner labels from the app and they were ADORABLE for Valentine’s Day. I also had several people ask how to get them. It’s all in the app!"
"My Brand Partner and I did the new Essential Oils 101 class from the app in our facebook group last night, and I was just blown away by the content! It’s literally the easy button for teaching a 101 class. And the graphics are beautiful!
Shout out to the Life Steps app team today!!! It’s a constant in my biz. Tracking prospects, newsletters to send that are ready to go, graphics that are fresh and up to date with everything happening that we want people to plug into….it has it ALL. Sometimes we work too hard because we don’t use what’s already created!! I know I’ve been guilty of this!! So thankful it’s grab and go and SO effective!!!!
"Shout out to the Life Steps app team today!!! ….it has it ALL. Sometimes we work too hard because we don’t use what’s already created! I know I’ve been guilty of this! So thankful it’s grab and go and SO effective!!!!"